Thursday, February 10, 2011

Rapunzel's Revenge

A red-haired cowboy Rapunzel saves the day!

By Shannon, Dean and Nathan Hale

Rating: Young adult, childrens

Genre / themes: Alternate fairy tale, cowboys and wild west, feminism,

Art level: Very good! Western art style. Colour.

Star Rating: 4/5

Number of Books: Two so far, but this title can be read on its own.

Other notes: Beaten out by Neil Gaiman's Coraline for teen graphic novel of the year (review here).
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My Review
Rapunzel's Revenge is a wild west take on fairy tales. Here, Rapunzel has grown up with her 'mother', the tyrannical Mother Gothel, until she discovers her real mother is a slave in the mines, faces off with Mother Gothel and gets trapped in a giant tree until her hair grows long enough for her to escape (due to Mother Gothel's growth magic saturating the tree). From there, she goes on to save the thief, the day and the kingdom with her hair-whipping skills and sense of justice. The art is very well done, and she makes a nice change from all the blonde princesses!

I love this book! It's a collaborative effort between the author, Shannon Hale, and Dean and Nathan Hale. Admittedly, it's definitely for the 'younger' end of the young adult scale, but the swashbuckling take on the old Rapunzel fairytale is both fun and magnificently illustrated. If you're looking for a Rapunzel Saves The Day book to distract your child from the overly pink Disney Princess version, Tangled, then this is the book you want. There's no pink in it at all!

A lot like the Fables books, this is a quirky take on established fairy tales - and has its own roguish Jack and the beanstalk appearance, among other things. The sequel, Calamity Jack (parodying the film Calamity Jane) has a jabberwocky and giants, and a lot more steampunk.

For a longer review and a peek inside the book, check out the Rapunzel's Revenge page! And if you're interested in finding other books about Rapunzel, then look no further than the Books About Rapunzel page.

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