Thursday, May 26, 2011


The classic fantasy graphic novel! Complete with elves.

By Wendy and Richard Pini

Rating: Young adult-adult

Genre / themes: fantasy, alternate earth, space travel, elves, nature, questing

Art level: Good, western, fairly pretty. Older books in black and white, newer editions in colour.

Star Rating: 4/5

Number of Books: Four 'complete' archive books, but a LOT of smaller books. Has been republished in various forms and series.

Other notes: Self-published originally. Husband and wife team. 'The' classic fantasy comics for many years.

My Review
The elves of Elfquest originally landed on the World of Two Moons (not exactly earth, but close) from space, and over the years were gradually pushed into the corners by the emerging humans, and became more specialised and smaller. They began as the etheral and slender High Elves, but when the books begin, they have become the dark-skinned sunfolk, the swarthier wolf riders (the main focus of the story), and other varieties. After being driven from their forest home, the Wolfriders leave in search of a new home, the original High Ones and the crystal palace they landed on earth in - discovering their heritage, making new allies (and lovers) and surviving the deadly Winnowill, trolls, weather, fire, treachery and humans along the way!

The Elfquest books are classics that have only gained in popularity in the 25 years since theywere first self-published - the story of Cutter and Leetah, the mysterious High Elves and the rough and ready wolf riders is both fantasy, fun and tragedy, wrapped up in some very pretty artwork. I really enjoy these books, and most people have heard of them by now!

Much like the Sandman series, Elfquest has been republished in individual graphic novels, volume compilations, and finally, larger definitive 'Archive' versions. Some are full colour and some are not, so check the descriptions!

The Elfquest Archives Compilations

Thursday, May 19, 2011

The Sandman

An epic, surreal, slightly macabre, beautiful and thought-provoking series

by Neil Gaiman (and assorted artists)

Rating: Adult

Genre / themes: gods, mythology, alternate reality, psychology,

Art level: Variable. Distinctive characters, but a lot of people don't like the art. Very dark tones for most books, even though they are usually in colour.

Star Rating: 4.5/5

Number of Books: Was released in single comics, then twelve collected graphic novels. Four huge ultimate editions available, and a smaller Death one.

Other notes: Neil Gaiman is one of the Gods of writing :D

My Review
Gaiman's Sandman series was a long-running comic which opens up a clever, dark, often satirical world that is full of short stories of sad or ordinary or miraculous people, and is connected by the great deeds and brief appearances of the Endless - Death, Dream, Desire, Despair, Destruction, Destiny and Delirium.

 Sometimes the stories are tragic, or horrible, they focus on people's lives as they live and die, write books, touch magic, have sex, retreat from society. Sometimes the stories are utterly mundane, sometimes the characters save the world. Sometimes they're metaphorical - the famous writer who keeps a muse trapped in the attic, the woman who suffers a debilitating disease and retreats from society (but is actually turned into metamorphic warrior by the sungod Ra).

...and I just found this awfully fun dissertation on DeviantART looking at The Kindly Ones in the Sandman books.

The Sandman series is HUGE - the complete comics collection was recently released as the Absolute Sandman books - four enormous volumes bigger than my cat, and another for Death's miniseries. But it's also available in twelve 'normal' sized graphic novels, and a 'collected dustcovers' book. It was originally published - for years - in single comics, which can still be found on eBay.

The Absolute Sandman editions
The Absolute Sandman, Vol. 1
Order the Sandman books from The Book Depository and get FREE shipping!

The Absolute Death volume is high quality and focuses only on Death herself - but it's also pretty short. It's only worth it if you can afford it, as there isn't enough exclusive content to make it worth buying for that alone. That said, the format is very nice, so if you can afford it, it's better quality than other options.

(Also, the price has dropped a lot on Amazon - it started out at $100!)

Thursday, May 12, 2011

V For Vendetta

A clever and dark futuristic England, and the downfall of its dictatorial political regime

by Alan Moore

Rating: Adult

Genre / themes: Politics, freedom, terrorism, Guy Fawkes, Future England.

Art level: Basic, gets the job done. All black and white and quite small.

Star Rating: 4/5

Number of Books: One.

Other notes: Very thick book, a lot of writing and talking. 'Classic' of graphic novels. The recent film starring Hugo Weaving and Natalie Portman was based of this book. Alan Moore also wrote Watchmen

My Review
Another book by Alan Moore, V For Vendetta was recently made into a fantastic film featuring Hugo Weaving and Natalie Portman. Futuristic England is in the grip of fear and dictatorship, and V is the mysterious terrorist who decides to bring back the memory of Guy Fawkes and free England. A very good book, and again, like Watchmen, not for kids.

A thick book, with small black and white illustrations and a lot of text, this is a very interesting book to read and well deserves to be ranked up with classic novels (I'd put it well above The Great Gatsby for example!)

This isn't light reading, but it's one you'll go back to.

The film of the book

The recent movie, starring Hugo Weaving and Natalie Portman, is one of my favourite films. It neatens up the storyline (of course) but is still very effective - dramatic, with sword fights and bullets, classical music and explosions, mysterious masks, government cover-ups, medical testing, plagues, people being 'disappeared', the Voice of London, murders, and imprisonment. And roses.

Three of my favourite parts include the explosions to music, the story of the woman who was questioned and executed for loving another woman, that Evey found (...for three years I had roses and apologised to no one) and of course V's entire speech from his very vivacious and veritably versatile first appearance:

V: VoilĂ ! In view, a humble vaudevillian veteran, cast vicariously as both victim and villian by the vicissitudes of Fate. This visage, no mere veneer of vanity, is a vestige of the vox populi, now vacant, vanished. However, this valorous visitation of a by-gone vexation, stands vivified and has vowed to vanquish these venal and virulent vermin vanguarding vice and vouchsafing the violently vicious and voracious violation of volition. (he carves a "V" into a sign) The only verdict is vengence; a vendetta, held as a votive, not in vain, for the value and veracity of such shall one day vindicate the vigilant and the virtuous. (giggles) Verily, this vichyssoise of verbiage veers most verbose, so let me simply add that it is my very good honor to meet you and you may call me V.

Evey: Are you like a crazy person?

V: I'm quite sure they will say so.

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Gunnerkrigg Court

The greatest webcomic ever published. I recommend this to everyone!

by Tom Siddell

Rating: Any age. Technically young adult, but I really would give this to almost anyone.

Genre / themes: magic, science, boarding school, orphans, spiritual and mythological themes

Art level: Very high, improves dramatically over time and went from 'good' to amazing. Unique, both manga and western. Books in colour.

Star Rating:  5/5

Number of Books: Two published so far, ongoing series. Book number three, Reason, is now available for pre-order on Amazon.

Other notes: webcomic, won several awards, and I wrote a complete lens about it. Books are hardbacks and very high quality printing.

My Review
Gunnerkrigg Court is the book I would give to almost anyone. The story of self-possessed Antimony Carver, who arrives at the mysterious school of Gunnerkrigg Court after her mother dies, you could tentatively compare it to Harry Potter (and fans of Harry Potter books would definitely enjoy it). But Gunnerkrigg Court is unique, and mysterious, and keeps you guessing constantly without ever frustrating you entirely.

It was also the winner of a bunch of webcomic awards in 2008 and 2009, and was listed as one of the 2010 Top Ten Graphic Novels for Teens by the ALA.

While I'd happily give it to children, it's definitely intelligent and complicated enough to be an story for adults. And the art is beautiful - it starts off good, then evolves to mindblowing. The book is also very high quality - a small, heavy hardback in full colour. This is one of the books that I buy, and will buy, automatically as each book is released.

There are two books out so far, and I own both of them.
 The second book came out at the start of 2010, and was titled 'Research'. It was even better than the first book - Tom Siddell's art started off good, and becomes incredible. I've already read everything online so far, but I'm still definitely buying the third book when  it comes out - this is a story that is worth re-reading in physical form.