Thursday, May 26, 2011


The classic fantasy graphic novel! Complete with elves.

By Wendy and Richard Pini

Rating: Young adult-adult

Genre / themes: fantasy, alternate earth, space travel, elves, nature, questing

Art level: Good, western, fairly pretty. Older books in black and white, newer editions in colour.

Star Rating: 4/5

Number of Books: Four 'complete' archive books, but a LOT of smaller books. Has been republished in various forms and series.

Other notes: Self-published originally. Husband and wife team. 'The' classic fantasy comics for many years.

My Review
The elves of Elfquest originally landed on the World of Two Moons (not exactly earth, but close) from space, and over the years were gradually pushed into the corners by the emerging humans, and became more specialised and smaller. They began as the etheral and slender High Elves, but when the books begin, they have become the dark-skinned sunfolk, the swarthier wolf riders (the main focus of the story), and other varieties. After being driven from their forest home, the Wolfriders leave in search of a new home, the original High Ones and the crystal palace they landed on earth in - discovering their heritage, making new allies (and lovers) and surviving the deadly Winnowill, trolls, weather, fire, treachery and humans along the way!

The Elfquest books are classics that have only gained in popularity in the 25 years since theywere first self-published - the story of Cutter and Leetah, the mysterious High Elves and the rough and ready wolf riders is both fantasy, fun and tragedy, wrapped up in some very pretty artwork. I really enjoy these books, and most people have heard of them by now!

Much like the Sandman series, Elfquest has been republished in individual graphic novels, volume compilations, and finally, larger definitive 'Archive' versions. Some are full colour and some are not, so check the descriptions!

The Elfquest Archives Compilations

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